Friday, July 15, 2016


This puppy daddy dose a pretty good job at expressing his feelings and needs. He also sets boundaries and freedoms for the puppy so they both benefit :D

Getting a puppy may be a huge adjustment but what about having a baby?

So parenting is one of the hardest most rewarding things in the world. Well actually I wouldn't know, because I am not a parent but I would imagine so. Helping someone learn and grow and seeing it happen, and knowing you had a part in it is one of the greatest joys of this life. 

I recently got to watch some videos about about parenting teenagers, and building heathy relationships. It was a program Active Parenting. What I thought was interesting was that it could have just as well been a relationship, or communications class. It helped you realize that you need to be empathetic and think about the feelings and thoughts of your children. 

As we provide them with opportunities to make decisions and discuss issues with us we will be better able to help our children grow. I learned that when things are expressed with warms and firmness, it can be an expression of love and confidence. 

This patten helps the parent and the child be clear in their communication, and expressions. We should show our children respect as human beings, ask their thoughts, feelings, opinions and Ideas. I know that if I keep that in mind I will be a better parent , because I wont be struggling for power, but promoting peace. It will be hard but look at how happy that puppy makes this guy! I know my future children be a huge blessing, and I can show my gratitude for them by taking good care of them :D  

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