Friday, June 17, 2016

Lot to Learn

Is Love Natural? Does it just happen? Is it really something we "Fall into?" If we marry "For Love" does that guarantee it will last? I will not argue that it is easier to love people that we like! But do we even like everyone all the time? So why do break ups and divorces happen? If it all comes Naturally?

 I think we all like to believe in Soul mates and Marriage is a way of celebrating when we find that one person that we love most! But I'm not sure its that simple. So Ok we did it! We found someone we love and BONUS.. They Love us too!!!! So now we are planning the wedding, Trying to figure out how to fit our lives together and how to become one Right?  It should not be hard. I mean your family loves them, their family loves you, you have tons of money, you love all the same things, you want the same amount of kids, you have the same religious and political views, and you agree on everything so its all gonna be so great!  

If that is true for you, wow life is gonna be pretty easy! The other 100% of us have to work things out. But why is it important to work things out if love is enough? I have recently been learning this valuable lesson in life. Love is a choice, and a Verb! It is something we choose to do! So when we are transitioning into a marriage and family life we need to be prepared to sacrifice, change and Work together to keep those feelings of love and Joy alive! 

There are so many factors that can help you better the prepare for marriage, weather its things you do with your fiancee or you are doing on your own. The things I mentioned above need to be worked out and there many different ways of resolving those differences. I think that if we keep in mind that we do need to work things out, and are willing to, then we have a lot of Love and happiness to look forward to! After all even after we think we have "Fallen in Love" We will still have a lot to learn, if we are going to stay together! :D

""Cause love doesn't last by coincidence, Choice makes all the difference. And if that's the truth, I've got a lot to learn. We’ve still got a lot to learn about LOVE”