Monday, July 4, 2016

If we lift and pull together we can help each Climb!!!

"Pull it together we can work it out!" 

When we got problems and troubles we can work it out with our families! But this is not going to happen Naturally, it needs effort and work. This work comes from one of the things that takes patience, love, understanding, and learning. COMMUNICATION!!! Many people would say that bad communication is the poison of relationships. And they would be right, but how do we improve this? 

I have been learning lot lately from the studies of Brene Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She works mostly in a greater understanding of Shame and Vulnerability.  I was starting to understand that there is a lack of wanting to be open, that keeps us from connecting. After all the goal of communication should be to connect. Whether it is ideas, feelings, stories, or beliefs, we want to connect over them. 

We are afraid of looking weak or seeming being vulnerable so we don't communicate theses feelings and then we can not connect. This disconnection then leads to poor, dying, relationships. Like many things, knowing, is one of the first steps to changing this. When trying to communicate, are we holding back to protect ourselves?

I love this video about how to connect though empathy. I think it clearly demonstrates not only how to listen, but how to help those we love, and become the kind of friends, siblings and spouses, who can be trusted with the information we want to share and communicate. When we are communicating in this way we are counseling together, and building each other.

We also have to strive to discover what channels we are using to communicate. There are so many more then just talking. So figure out how you communicate, and how you can do so better, or use different channels that work with your loved ones understanding. Also be sure to use good communication tools, and questions like "Am I understanding you correctly". 

If we learn to problem solve, council and communicate, we will better be able to connect! So we can be better able to LOVE!!!