Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Its not about the MONEY??.....

I have heard that one of the biggest reasons that devoice happens is because of arguments concerning money. This is very very sad. I use to just think that it was because people where too materialistic, but the sad truth is that we need money to live, and sustain ourselves. So if it was being used unwisely that could cause huge problems. So How can we be wise in our money spending? What are some ways we can fix these problems now or prepare/prevent future trials?

As I was contemplating this I was thinking about the ways that I spend money. I was also thinking about how carefully my parents spent money and when I used their money. They would carefully discuss large purchases, and bills. I know this is a patten that I want to follow. I think it shows respect to your partner, and that providing for your family is a joint effort.

I also was recently talking in my Family relations class about some of the skills and talents that come into a marriage and how they help with organization, finances and over all function of home. Some of the skills I  wrote down that I think would help a family are Cooking, Cleaning Auto, House care, exercise, Health, Money management, Gardening, sewing, haircuts, laundry, relationships/phycology and childcare/parenting. I know that I can not be a master in all of these things but learning these things with your spouse, Could have some amazing benefits such as

* Save Money: Fix it yourself
*Time Together: Work together, Learn together, Have Fun together.
*Be self Sufficient : Self Sufficiency has been proven to make people feel more happy and satisfied with their lives.
*Continue Education: learning new things also helps with overall happiness.
*Prepare for the Future :The more knowledge you have the more prepared you are to take on life's challenges.

In the end perhaps its not all about the money but the resources you have, or gain, and how you use them to benefit your family. Money is just one of those resources, but you can use your skills and talents to help with money and other stuggles. I know that I am going to start not just considering what these skills are but how I can gain them now, and during a marriage :)

I can learn to do it! 

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