Saturday, May 21, 2016

Learn to Love :D

We all have different values, opinions life styles and different opinions, and different thoughts, and beliefs. So with all these differences is there a way to get along. Is there one right way live? Is it our job to correct others? What about classes? Should we strive for higher class, is it wrong to be in lower or higher class? In what ways can we change, and belief we? 

Differences make our world beautiful and exciting. But then why is it so hard sometimes to get along? Why do we separate ourselves into groups or classes. Why do we surround ourselves with people just like us? Is it because we want to feel more comfortable, or that we can not be different. I am not saying that I know all the answers. I know that my faith makes me live in a way that is very different from others and I often have values that life choices that are unpopular. I have a very firm belief on what I should do and how I should live. 

I know and feel that it is right and choose to live this way everyday. All though I feel like it is my right to share these beliefs, I should be loving and tolerant of those who do not live this way. It is the same as classes and ways of life. 

In one of my favorite romantic movies of all times we witness how 2 people who come from very different ways of life and values, find that as they start to understand the similarities they share and what is important and that they have so much to learn from one another. Near the end they experience a little bit of what the others life are like and come to know that there ideas and opinions have changed and become all the greater people because of it (At least that is my opinion).      

And Of corse as the hopeless romantic that I'm I love that this understanding of each other brings them to not only get among but to fall in LOVE!!! That is what our world needs. To fall in love with each other, not tolerating things that we believe to be wrong but loving them enough to choose to understand before we are understood and change for the better, because sometimes as hard as it is to believe we may be wrong, and there is a better way. Even if it is not that we adopt another beliefs but that we get a friend out of listening, learning and understanding other views. Friends ALWAYS make life better. 

Here is "North and South" (The best Cinamatic romantic moment ever)