Friday, July 1, 2016

Under Pressure!

I think most people would say that Ideally it is our family that is there for us during the hard times. When life gets hard and trials come we want to be able to turn to family and loved ones. However many of us when find ourselves fleeing when we spot of conflict or struggles. How often do we see friends and loved ones not working things out with theirs families. They say things like " If it was 'meant to be' then it would not be this hard".  Often blame is sought after, even in the case of things out of anyones control. 

Stress, crisis, trial, and problems. All of these things come in everyday life and especially in family life. I would even say that all our struggles are a FAMILY affair. We need to work things out together. We prepare for problems by doing what I wrote about in the last post, becoming strong, close and intimate with our Family members. 

There is another aspect of struggles that I came to better understand though recently. All most every couple that has been married for many many many years, say that their favorite times of there marriage where the times that things where hard. They had to work things out and make changes, no matter what kind of struggle, it helped them grow closer! So it was the stresses and pressures that strengthened them and helped them get though the trial. 

So I hope I can remember that in my relationships. Hard times can either make them stronger or help them fall apart. Sometimes things are even better under PRESSURE!! So be grateful for not "Problems" but " Opportunities"!