Saturday, June 11, 2016

Who we is?

This entry has been hard for me to begin to write for 3 main reasons. 1) It is very controversial in our time now  2) It hits on many points that are very personal to me. 3) It is hard for me to articulate and express all my thoughts in a few words. SO here it goes!

Sex, gender, orientation, equality? Not so long ago it would have been pretty easy to determine someones sex, and gender. But now it is even hard to define what those words mean but lets give it a try based on GOOGLE dictionary.

Gender: the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).

Ok so I think many of us are aware that there are people who are biological male of female, but fit into the social or culture norms of there opposite sex. So for example one of my social cultural norms as a child was that all women love shopping, fashion and cloths. Many people already could be mad at me for this statement. Why? I am over generalizing right?

I mean I could even take this offensively because I don't love shopping and "How dare somebody assume that I love shopping just because I am biological a girl?" or what about men that Love shopping? They could be offended too "How dare you say that Shopping is a "feminine" activity."

I intentionally used an activity that I hope would not cause to much anger. But what about the bigger things, The larger "Norms" that we as a people or a culture generalize?  Is it wrong to take notice of these differences? Are men and women different? Where did these Social and Cultural differences come from, and why do we hold men and women into these Genders? Is it wrong?

I think that it is so important to realize that men and women are different and this is one of the Joys and excitements of life. Men and women have significant, and if I may be so bold, Sacred differences. Not just in the body and wiring of the mind but in the spirit of them as a being!

I do not believe it is the cultural norms that make us feminine or masculine but its our soul, the combination of spirit and body. I love the things that make me me, and some of them are similar to other women and some of them are similar to men, and some of them are entirely unique. I think we need to stop defining ourselves by What sex we relate with, or what sex we are attracted too, and start thinking of people as families, individuals and friends, all unique, and all different.

We should help each other love our bodies and love feminine differences, not try to change them, but define ourselves by them. There are so many things that make us beautiful and unique including our sex. We should encourage others to be proud of there sex but not feel the need to fit the cultural genders. BE YOURSELF!!!

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