Sunday, May 15, 2016

Super Size?

"Let's upsize!" "I want the bigger one!" "Do you want to supersize?" "Can I have more?" These are very common phrases in our day. We want many possessions, more money, bigger homes, and to be "larger then life". However there is one question that receives a very opposite response, and that question is "How many kids do you, or do you want, to have?" In this matter we more often hear, "None", "One", "Two", "Not a lot".   This was different "Back in the day."

This 1968 classic film "Yours, mine and Ours" is actually based off the the true story, and Book "Who gets the Drumstick"  by Helen Beardsley. This couple ends up having 18 children total in 1961 when they were first married, and then later had two more. In this movie, family is celebrated and seen as most important, despite the challenges of child rearing, and and the sacrifices made for a large family. The parents see it as worth while and important. 

In contrast that same year "The Population Bomb" by Paul R. Ehrlich was published. This book claimed that our population growth would eventually lead to a loss of food and resources. This became a huge concern of many, thus discouraging people from having large families. However, Ehrlich's estimated that the worlds mass starvation would happen in the 1970's. Since this is obviously not the case, I question why people still have the idea that small families are still the better choice. This was still a concern though the 80's 90's and now, but is this the main reason for continued declines in family size? 

("Zero Population" song about Population growth and Survival concerns) 

There are actually many studies that show not only that the population is decreasing, but that this will cause many future economic and social problems. Perhaps many do not know about these impacts, and only see it as a personal choice with little or no connection to our future world. But even so, why choose less. I have seen that one of the biggest contributions to smaller families is the focus on self.

In my eyes I see this "bigger and more idea" that I mentioned earlier, as a driving force in our family size and child raising choices. I hear things like, "I do not have time for kids with my Job/Career?" "Kids are to much work." "Children just do not fit into my life plan very well". We diet on the emotional and social support that they receive in family connections, and super size on the satisfaction that comes from careers, money, education, and possessions. I am not saying that the later is bad, or that everyone needs to have more kids. But I think we need to ask ourselves, "What is making a significant impact on the world?" Is it helping raise the next generation in our own homes, or satisfying whatever desires are stopping us from doing so? 

Perhaps we need a "fill up" or "feast" on the ideas that having more children could enrich our lives. I understand that there are very specific and valid reasons to choose fewer children including , finance and health concerns. I am also in no way saying that family size is not a very personal choice. I am saying that it does not just affect us personally, but our world as a whole. I also know that larger support systems, that can come from family ties, can improve our personal lives. So what will you super size? 

"Where my Kids at?" This family is "styling" with a "ride" fit for more kids! :D  
Reminds me of my childhood in our 12 seater van :) Many grand adventures!   

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