Monday, June 13, 2016

Dating as taught by Classic Musicals :D

Wow if only men go that excited about dating nowadays. Getting to know membered of the opposite sex can be a mystery for most everyone, let alone finding someone you want to marry. SO what can we do? We could try to inform others by singing this cheery song! That would be fun! But I think that one of the best ways to teach about dating is to help people not fear the word. I find that many of my peers saying things like "Its was not exactly a date" .

So what is a date? I find myself saying that as well. But my understanding was that a date was a time set aside so that you can spend time with some one and get to know them better. So by that definition friends go on dates all the time. but then what is a hang out? Once again I am going to use google to help me define.

Date: a social or romantic appointment or engagement.

Hang Out: spend time relaxing or enjoying oneself.

Wow no wonder a date is confusing, and scary. But it does not have to be! Just because the definition has the word "romantic" in it. But it also has the word "social" in it. we make friends though socializing. So if we stop being afraid to spend time with some " one on one" Focusing on getting to know just them.

So I think it is perfectly expectable to have standards and expectations for romantic dates. But does a first date have to be a romantic date. I think of how many times I meet some one, girl of boy, think they are interesting, want to get to know them and ask them to spend time with me or do something with me. Sometimes in a group and sometimes not. I think if we continue to do these things and call it a date, we will not be as scared of them.

I know that it is during this "one on one" time that I am better able to get to know an individual. So as we do this it can lead to more romantic dates. We can learn a lot about the individual though these planned activities and not so much in a hang out. After all I know that we can enjoy ourselves on a date! And making these friends, can one day help us find our best friend, whom we date exclusively and romantically (Court), and one day marry. But it all starts with "Getting to know you."

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